Canada : Large natural spaces

What is striking in Canada is people’s concentration  in large metropolises with buildings of 15 to 20 floors and between the metropolises large spaces covered with lakes, rivers, forests with only small group of houses, most of them built in wood. I went there in autumn 2023. The red color of the maple leaves beautified all nature.

 My trip, 2800 km long, began in Ontario and more precisely at « Niagara Falls ». Before coming I imagined the falls in the middle of nature. But no, they are located on the edge of a city: “Niagara Falls”. This does not detract from the grandiose spectacle of the site.

Toronto is 160 km from the Falls on Lake Ontario. It is a cosmopolitan metropolis of 3 million inhabitants belonging to 200 ethnic groups. It is a major economic and financial center of Canada. Buildings are emerging everywhere. Torento’s iconic landmark is the CN Tower: a 553 m tower with a 360 degree rotating restaurant at 346 m.

Ottawa, capital of the country, is a mix of neo-Gothic buildings and modern buildings. Both English and French are spoken there. Life seems quite relaxed.

I arrive in Montreal in the province of Quebec. A large city of 1.75 million inhabitants, 70% of French origin and 15% of British origin. It is the arts center of Canada.

Montreal has its old quarter, its port and its business districts made up of large glass buildings but what is unusual for a European is the RESO: a set of underground galleries 30 km long. They house restaurants, stores, exhibition halls, the metro. They arrive directly above the performance halls. In winter, you no longer need to wear a coat to enjoy the distractions of the city!

The Thousand Islands Archipelago is a group of islands on the Saint Lawrence River at the outlet of Lake Ontario.

Exactly 1865 islands have been identified. Did you know that for a piece of land surrounded by water to be an island, it must have 2 trees or shrubs on it and occupy at least 0.5 m2 ?

Before arriving in Quebec, great landscapes are offered to us: Lac Saint-Jean, the Saguenay fjord, the Mauricie national park. The photographer is frustrated because he wants to stop everywhere. Visiting Tadoussac to see the whales is a must.

The city of Quebec, completely French-speaking, is built on a promontory, Cap Diamant. The Frontenac hotel, a monumental building dominates the city. It is pleasant to stroll through the streets of this city with its european character. Quebecers are very attached to their history and the name of Samuel de Champlain, the founder of the city in 1608 appears everywhere. The motto of Quebec is “je me souviens”.

The natives, that is to say the Indians, were not always treated well by the Canadians who came from Europe: forced assimilation, forced sending of native children to native boarding schools. This population has nowadays a big socio-economic problem.

Some have done well : The Hurons of the Wendake village near Quebec. They are Catholic and attached to their Indian traditions. They have been able to adapt to modern society and have developed a craft of traditional objects that is very flourishing today.

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